At the heart of our life as a faith community lies the commitment and responsibility to care for, support, and encourage one another, especially in times of crisis and difficulty. At St. James, we want you to know how you can get help when you or your family are dealing with serious life changes or challenges.
The Rector is happy to meet with you at any time, or to visit people in hospital or sick at home - but needs to know! Please call the church office to request a visit.
The prayer chain is a group of 12-15 parishioners (plus the Rector) who are committed to pray for those in need, whether they are parishioners, their families or members of the wider community. We communicate by e-mail or phone regarding both urgent and ongoing prayer requests.
For those who can't get out to church, sometimes it helps to "have church at home." We have a number of parishioners, called Eucharistic Visitors, who visit those who are housebound or in nursing homes, and bring them the Eucharist along with the weekly bulletin and sermon.
The Rector is happy to meet with you at any time, or to visit people in hospital or sick at home - but needs to know! Please call the church office to request a visit.
The prayer chain is a group of 12-15 parishioners (plus the Rector) who are committed to pray for those in need, whether they are parishioners, their families or members of the wider community. We communicate by e-mail or phone regarding both urgent and ongoing prayer requests.
For those who can't get out to church, sometimes it helps to "have church at home." We have a number of parishioners, called Eucharistic Visitors, who visit those who are housebound or in nursing homes, and bring them the Eucharist along with the weekly bulletin and sermon.
It matters not to me if we are in a hospital, rehab facility, or home; if things are neat and clean or dusty and cluttered; if I am saying the prayers by myself or alone; if the person I am visiting is sitting or standing or prone in bed; showered and shaved and tidy or not; in nightclothes, day clothes or hospital gown. I am keeping strong the ‘God connection” with Communion, bringing comfort to people in distress, and keeping all personal information confidential. It is sometimes a very intense ministry and I am frequently both amazed and humbled by this calling. God does work in mysterious ways.- Donna Austin, Eucharistic Visitor