While most of our teenagers have graduated and gone off to higher education, we've got a group of kids aged 10+. And so we're initiating a new formation program for them using storymakersNYC, under the guidance of Tim Beirne. It will begin on Sept 29th, 2024, and will run every other Sunday.
In addition, they'll still participate with the younger ones in outreach and community service projects grounded in Jesus' words, "just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).
Confirmation is the sacrament in which as (young) adults we take ownership the vows made on our behalf in baptism, and with the prayerful laying on of the bishop's hands, are "ordained" to minister as laypeople in the Church and the world. To be eligible, candidates must be active members of the congregation, and participate in confirmation preparation classes. Since this is essentially "ordination of the laity," only active members are eligible. If you or anyone you know is sensing the Holy Spirit moving you in this direction, speak with Fr Ian.
In addition, they'll still participate with the younger ones in outreach and community service projects grounded in Jesus' words, "just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).
Confirmation is the sacrament in which as (young) adults we take ownership the vows made on our behalf in baptism, and with the prayerful laying on of the bishop's hands, are "ordained" to minister as laypeople in the Church and the world. To be eligible, candidates must be active members of the congregation, and participate in confirmation preparation classes. Since this is essentially "ordination of the laity," only active members are eligible. If you or anyone you know is sensing the Holy Spirit moving you in this direction, speak with Fr Ian.